April 29, 2006

application/atom+xml content type workaround for Firefox

Here's a Firefox extension that will let you view Atom 1.0 feeds inside your browser. Currently, Firefox does not understand the application/atom+xml content type and will treat the feed as a download and prompt you to save it or to open it with an external application.

Once you install this extension, Atom feeds will be displayed in your browser like any other xml document.

Get it here!

April 22, 2006

Shoot Profiles

If you are into Shoot and games, you may appreciate this application for uploading and sharing Shoot profiles.

I uploaded the profiles from the old site and added a few that I hadn't got around to posting. Feel free to share yours!

April 06, 2006

Atom 1.0 parser for Ruby

I've been looking for a Ruby library for parsing Atom 1.0. The only one I could find was FeedTools. Unfortunately, it's intended to be a universal feed-parsing library and not quite what I need.

As a result, I decided to build my own. The project is hosted at RubyForge and the source code is available under the MIT license.

It is still in its early stages, so don't expect much at this point. So far, it understands most atom:* elements and attributes but doesn't perform validation.

The interface is fairly simple. For example, you can do this:

require 'atom'
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'

str = Net::HTTP::get(URI::parse('http://blog.ning.com/atom.xml'))
feed = Atom::Feed.new(str)

feed.entries.each { |entry|
puts "'#{entry.title}' by #{entry.authors.first.name} on #{entry.published.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')}"

Give it a try, play with it. Comments are welcome!
